As a trader, we do understand that you have lots of investment channel, but have you ever thought of how to optimize your investment portfolio? Who has expertise to advise on this? For now, we know that PortfolioAnalyst from Interactive Brokers can give you a hand on this aspect.
PortfolioAnalyst consolidates, tracks and analyzes your complete financial performance. Link your investment, checking, savings, annuity, incentive plan and credit card accounts to understand your current financial state and plan for the future.
At the moment, we understand that clients of Interactive Brokers can enjoy full access to PortfolioAnalyst's advanced features and receive real-time no matter what portfolio positions at their Interactive Broker's account.
PortfolioAnalyst can help you to:
- View your aggregate fund exposure* with Fund Parser, which lets you see the underlying composition of your ETFs and mutual funds by industry, region, country, financial instrument and symbol.
- Analyze your portfolio's consolidated asset class distribution, time weighted or money weighted returns, and long/short breakout with Portfolio Checkup.
- Measure performance against more than 250 industry benchmarks or your custom benchmarks.
- Understand risks relative to return with metrics such as max drawdown, peak-to-valley, sharpe ratio and standard deviation.
- Quickly understand how your weighting and selecting for each sector compares to the S&P 500 for the period of the return with our Performance Attribution reporting.
What we found special about PortfolioAnalyst from Interactive Broker are that they you the tools and reports you need to focus on your investments, make sure things are in good positions, and if not for your current situation, you can adjust and see the result immediately:
- View a variety of reports with easy-to-read color-coded chart.
- Gnerate reports on a daily, monthly or quarterly basic.
- Measure your performance using Time-Weighted Return (TWR) or Money-Weighted Return (MWR) percentage values.
- Compare your returns to popular benchmarks – over 200 in total.
- Create your own custom benchmarks.
Hope you will find it a good tool for your trading journey.